Oasis Patrol

Charter – Seahorse – Safari – Pyramid – Scarab, Sphinx—and now Oasis

The Patrol is one of the two Shrine Units that are required by Imperial Shrine Law. By tradition, the Patrol of El Bekal changes its name every decade. The Charter Patrol was the first and these Patrolmen were directly responsible for the creation of El Bekal Shrine in 1952. The Seahorse Patrol came into being in 1960 under then Potentate Ill. George F. Thagard, Sr.  In 1970 the Patrol changed its name to Safari Patrol with Ill. Archie A. Lloyd as Potentate.  The Pyramid Patrol and Potentate Ill. David B. Slayton were both selected in the year 1980. In 1990 the Patrol became Scarab under Potentate Ill. Fred Gutierrez.  In 2000 the Patrol became Sphinx under Potentate Ill. Ken Jahr. In 2007 the Patrol became the Oasis Patrol under Potentate William “Beeps” Salpaka.

Although the name of the Patrol may change, its purpose does not. The Patrol is the official escort of the Potentate. The Captain of the Patrol is the only Captain appointed by the Potentate. The Patrol forms an honor line for the escort of all dignitaries, including the Divan. They are also known for the swagger sticks they carry. The swagger sticks are on loan until three years after becoming an active regular Patrolman. Dues are $50.00 per year

For information on how to join call the Shrine office (714) 563-9111and they will give you the name and number of the Secretary.